The life of the modern day woman can some days (or most days) be described as similar to that of a circus performer. How many balls did you have in the air today?!!
I'm not sure if I will ever understand "balance". But increasingly I am coming to terms with the fact that I have many labels and I do have many balls in my juggling act. I am a mum, a wife, a passionate educator, mumpreneur (although that is still a word I am coming to terms with...), a taxi-driver and these are just some of the labels I can define!! But I am who I am performing each task when I can. Frustration, resentment, anger and sometimes envy of others who seem to have "balance" creep in when I am not present in the moment at hand. I confess that one part of me could live in a bubble surrounded by the "work" I love to do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But if I am also wanting to do what the other part of me wants to do which is be a present mum to my kids, then the work has to stay at work so I can actually be present with my family. When I cross these over and I am not present fully in either, this is where trouble for me brews and negativity takes hold! I accept that I may not ever work out balance! That's ok. I also let go of expectations that I hold of ideals of balance. I accept that I can only do what I can do when I can do it!!! That's ok! Challenge: * Designate times that are specific to certain tasks (family vs work) and write notes (r to-do lists) of the important things to get done so they don't cross over into other designated times. * Notice if you feel anxious or negative when trying to multi-task * Don't make the to-do list too long. Perhaps have 3 non-negotiable things each day to get done and anything else is a bonus!
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Anita RossiterHolistic Nutritionist. Categories
April 2019